October 4

Cultural tourism

Tourism across the world is getting an impetus because there is so much that people want to see and experience. In fact, visiting another country is one of the best ways to learn about the culture and language of that country. However, of late, people are indulging in cultural tourism that has given tourism a whole new meaning.

What is Cultural Tourism?

Cultural tourism is a type of tourism that allows the tourist to participate in local cultural activities, like festivals and rituals. As a result, the tourist can enjoy a genuine cultural exchange with the locals.

It also enables local communities to accept their culture as cultural tourism is a major driver for growth. So, communities go out of their way to celebrate and promote their culture as it makes them different from other communities. A good example is the carnival celebrated in Rio de Janeiro and Goa before Lent begins. While in Rio it is a raucous celebration where locals and tourists party and indulge in everything under the sky, in Goa, the mainstay of the event is a parade followed by dances and feasts.

tourism benefits local communities. Some of the benefits of cultural tourism that government and local tourism bodies should be aware of include the following:


Cultural tourism has a positive economic impact on the destination and can help underserved communities to thrive and flourish

The money that this form of tourism bring in can be used within local communities for social good

It helps preserve the local culture while allowing communities to emphasize the uniqueness of their culture to differentiate it from other locations

It helps destinations market themselves and compete with more competitive locales on an even footing.

Culture tourism is a win-win experience. The visitors enjoy the rich heritage and learn about the local cultures and traditions while local communities enjoy development without forsaking their cultural values and beliefs.